About the Workshop
Adventures in Visual Storytelling is an 8-week virtual workshop designed for people aged 55+ to explore creativity, develop community, and promote aging vitality through storytelling. Weekly 2-hour sessions begin with a surprise in the mail, and an opening artist prompt designed to evoke memory, play, and vitality. In class, students make, discuss, and share stories while learning and experimenting. Students work both collaboratively and independently between sessions to create new work using techniques learned in class. Each week, we explore a fresh way to use life experiences as fuel for creative expression and find methods to expand the practice of creativity into daily activities. With an emphasis on experimental short filmmaking, students also explore poetry, cartooning, and even stop-motion animation. Beginners are welcome, and all participants receive editing services, as well as hands-on technical and creative guidance for their short films. By the end of the workshop, participants will have generated diverse portfolio of stories, ready to share with the world. Check out some of the amazing projects from the workshop here.
I'm not creative. Should I still sign up?
Yes! Many people are quick to label themselves as "not creative" or "not artistic" because they haven't drawn a picture, played with clay, or made up a story since childhood. Or, when they do create things, they decide that the work is "not good enough" and give up on the practice. These ideas about what art "should" be often come from our inner critic. The truth is that the vast majority of people are creative, whether they know it or not--it's human nature. In this workshop, we focus on getting back to into that child-like state of curiosity and experimentation, where it doesn't matter whether the art we make is "good" or "bad." In doing so, we access our innate vitality and share our stories authentically with others without fear of judgement.
What do I need in order to take this workshop?
You will need:
A computer that connects to the internet and has the Zoom app installed. The computer should have a web cam so that when we're on Zoom, we can see you. The computer should be in a quiet area where you can focus and speak during class time.
A phone or tablet that connects to the internet and can take photos and video.
An email address where we can contact each other.
A physical address where you can receive packages.
How tech-savy to I need to be to take the workshop?
We don't expect you to be a tech wiz, and will guide you through the technology we use as much as possible. We do recommend that you are familiar with how to take photos and videos on your phone or tablet, how to use Zoom, and how to use email and the internet. Why? Between sessions, you will work on projects at home and send in photos and videos to share with the class. Sharing our work is a critical part of the workshop, so this is important. For video assignments, we may ask you to send in your footage so that we can edit it.
Will there be homework?
Yes. Each week, you will take what you learned in class and work on a project.
Are there grades?
Will the work I make be shared?
Your work will be shared with the class during class time. We encourage you to share your work with the world, but Adventures in Visual Storytelling will never share your work outside of the workshop without your written and verbal permission.
How much does it cost, and what do I get?
The 8-week workshop costs $450, plus a $50 materials fee that covers art supplies sent directly to participants. In addition to the 2 hours of weekly instruction/workshopping and materials, students receive technical support, editing services for film projects, and access to office hours with workshop instructors.
I want to take this class, but I can't afford it. Can I get a discount?
Although availability is limited, we are sometimes able to offer discounts for low-income participants. Please contact us to request more information.
The class times offered don't work for me. Can you hold it at a different time?
We vary the times that we offer this class, so if this session time doesn't work for you, sign up for our mailing list to be the first to find out about future offerings.
I've participated in this workshop before. Can I take it again?